I was admitted to practice as a Legal Practitioner in the Northern Territory in July 1995 and in South Australia in May 1996. In July 1994 I was employed by the Northern Territory Attorney-General’s Department, firstly as an articled clerk, then as a solicitor working in the litigation, policy, and native title divisions of the Northern Territory Crown Solicitor’s Office. Between May 1996 and June 2002, I was employed by two general practice private law firms in South Australia and for the past 21 years I have been a self-employed solicitor.
I have undertaken both litigious and non-litigious work in various jurisdictions including civil and commercial, administrative, family, industrial relations, worker’s compensation, and native title. I have conducted litigious matters in the Supreme Courts of the Northern Territory and South Australia, the District Court of South Australia, the Environment, Resources and Development Court of South Australia, the Magistrates’ Courts of the Northern Territory and South Australia, the Northern Territory Coroners Court, the National Native Title Tribunal, the Federal Court of Australia, the Federal Circuit Court of Australia, the Family Court of Australia, Fair Work Australia, the South Australian Industrial Relations Court and Commission, the WorkCover Corporation of South Australia, the Administrative Appeals Tribunal, the Department of Veteran’s Affairs, the South Australian Guardianship and Administration Board, the South Australian Civil and Administrative Tribunal, the Teachers’ Registration Board and the Returned & Services League of Australia Board.
Areas of litigation have included various civil and commercial actions, property related actions, personal injury, negligence and various other tortious actions, inheritance actions, matrimonial disputes regarding property and children, industrial, employment and workers’ compensation actions, disciplinary hearings, minor criminal matters and road traffic offences. My non-litigious work has included commercial and transactional law, wills, estates and trusts, probate law, employment law, property law and conveyancing.
For 23 years I was the solicitor for the Totally & Permanently Incapacitated Ex Service Men and Women of Australia (“TPI”) Federation and the TPI Association (SA) acting for the Federation, the Association, and the membership generally. I was a member of the TPI Association (SA) Finance Committee for 15 years. I am currently the Returning Officer for the TPI Federation. In my capacity as the TPI solicitor I have assisted hundreds of TPI members in relation to various matters including DVA related matters. I am currently the honorary solicitor for three South Australian Returned & Services League Clubs.